ARKO, more than just everything, 2020-2023. Wood, glazed ceramic, cotton yarn, Tencel yarn, paper, second cut cotton linters, bleached abaca, cardboard, plastic drink bags, wheat starch paste, glue, miscellaneous hardware, beeswax, linseed oil, printed cotton fabric, and groceries.
Consumables available 4/5/23 5:30 pm (limited time, limited quantities)
ARKO is a collaboration between Anne Xavier Heide and Karen Ondracek

In Summer 2019 at the Chautauqua School of Art summer residency, Connie Fu and I created the Infinite Tea Party, which was a space where our community there could gather and spend time together. During the summer, Connie and I both created handbuilt ceramic dishes, clothing, and table linens. We combined many of these objects for the infinite tea party.
These objects have traveled with us to our new contexts, and we have continued to use many of them, both in our domestic spaces and as part of more recent work. They hold the memory of the initial tea party at Chautauqua where we first used them, but also accumulate new experiences with us and our new communities. Eventually, we will reconvene, bringing both some of the objects and people that were present at the first infinite tea party as well as new friends and objects we have made since then.

Infinite Tea Party, August 2019 at Chautauqua School of Art summer residency.